A little time has passed and I want to share my impressions of the trip to a very interesting event The Hate Antidote, 25-31/05/2022, Zakopane, Poland.
There I met wonderful people from Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria,
Greece, Jorfan, Egypt, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Palesyine, Malta and and of course from Ukraine. For a week we all lived together in a magical place in the mountains and worked side by side discussing global and serious topics. The objectives of this project was to strengthen the role of youth in countering violent extremism, promote the role of intercultural dialogue and gender mainstreaming in countering extremism and radicalization. In the conditions of modern society, as well as the war in Ukraine, this topic seemed to me very important and relevant.
Thanks to our mentors (organizers) Karolina Karpiuk Denis Paasche Maryia Hlukhava, we discussed important topics, gained new knowledge and put it into practice. I plan to continue to share this knowledge with people, because the topic of Hatespeech is still widespread.
Great mountain views, cool people around, what could be better. Thank you for the new experience and acquaintances. It was unforgettable! It felt like I was in an camp where we delved into such complex issues in such an informal and friendly atmosphere.
Big thanks for this: Non-formal education for youth Fundacja Zielony Słoń / Green Elephant Foundation International Alliance for Integration and Sustainability Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges