NGO «Non-formal education for youth» шукає учасників(ць) на тренінг у Румунії!


Name: “Inclusion methods for daily youth worker's job”

Dates: 22-28 November 2022

Venue: Craiova, Romania.


The project is designed for active youth workers in the inclusion field from 10 countries to empower European values, to promote the civic involvement and social inclusion in youth work. It is focused on creating a safe and creative space for participants to share and open up and to exchange ideas and experiences. During the course the participants will gain usefull competencies in working in inclusion projects.

All activities and methods will contribute to the process of non-formal learning and creating long-lasting understanding of the concepts, as well as sustainable motivation for applying of what is learnt and shared. The program methods follow the “learning through experience” model – debates, simulations, energizers, ice-breakers, communication games, learning and sharing activities, gamification, , group discussions, coaching sessions, open space, etc. By means of debriefing in-depth learning and understanding of the subject matter will be ensured.

The main needs addressed by the project  are driven by the opportunity to bring together representatives of youth organizations coming from  Europe for decades and aims at:

1. To train youth workers with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the transformation of conflicts.

2. Promoting the universal understanding between young people across different countries

3. Raise public and civil participation and encourage their active involvement in common causes

4. Encourage young people from different countries to cooperate despite the borders in the name of a common goal – the peace between them and


Participants profile:

✔ Aged over 18 y.o.

✔ Working with of youth

✔ Fluent at a medium level in English

✔ Motivated to take part in the project and showing involvement during all the stages of the project

✔ Able to disseminate the results in social media and through their work

✔Be open-minded, motivated and ready to share experience and good energy


Обов’язкові умови:

1)         Біометричний паспорт (або віза),
2)         Сертифікат про вакцинацію не менш ніж двома дозами (Pfizer (Comirnaty), Moderna (Spikevax), AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria), Janssen),
3)         Участь в проєктах чоловіків можлива тільки за наявності законної підстави для перетину кордону. Участь в проєкті не є такою підставою.

Фінансові умови:

Проект фінансується за рахунок програми Erasmus+, яка покриває:
- 100% витрат на харчування, проживання;
- 100% проїзду до місця проведення і назад (якщо витрати не перевищують ліміт 275 евро).

Дедлайн 20.10.2022 23.59.

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